Guest On Arbor Vitae Podcast

The latest episode of Arbor Vitae Woodworking Podcast has just been released and I had the honor of being the guest. 

Arbor Vitae, Virtue in Woodworking is a relatively newcomer to the podcast arena and it is hosted by Jonathon Conrad and Adam Taylor. They bring a unique perspective to their podcast as they blend their faith with the craft they love.

In this episode I quickly share my background for context, but we talk about so much more: 

-How to define yourself and the importance of it.

-Being part of a community of craftsmen and artists, the importance of it and the impact it has had on me. 

-The role social media has played in my business. 

-The single most important piece of advice I was ever given, which is the principle that I have built my business around. 

-Thoughts on what makes a successful and good design.

-Advice on how to exercise and improve your design skills, including an Arbor Vitae exclusive: some information that I have only shared with guys that I have mentored personally. So this is the first time I am sharing it with the online community:)

-I also share my secret strategy to using social media!

You can listen the episode at the Arbor Vitae website or on iTunes. 

I hope you enjoy.

Your friend in the shop-

Todd A. Clippinger

Share the Love - Share the Knowledge

Guest Hosting Another Episode of Woodshop 101

I had a great time dropping in as guest host on the Woodshop 101 Podcast with Jeremy Crawford and Drew Short. 

These guys are a lot of fun to hang with and what was supposed to be a "short" episode turned out to be just over 1-1/2 hours! In that time we covered a lot of subjects: 

-How we sharpen our chisels

-The Worksharp 3000

-Our favorite saw blades (and it's not that same answers that everyone else always shares)

-The foibles of the Festool Domino - Yep, as great as I think the Festool Domino is, there are some things to be addressed!

Check out the latest episode of the Woodshop 101 Podcast and see what we have to say about all these things! Be sure to subscribe on iTunes and leave them some feedback and a rating!

You can check out Jeremy Crawford and Drew Short at their websites and follow the links to all the other social media they are active on.

Thanks for listening!

Your friend in the shop-

Todd A. Clippinger

Share the Love-Share the Knowledge

Guest Hosting the Woodshop 101 Podcast

It seems like I am on a roll here with podcasts! I will be joining Jeremy Jeremy H Crawford and Drew Short as a guest host on the Woodshop 101 Podcast !


I am honored and excited to join them for a few episodes, Drew and Jeremy are a couple of good guys and productive woodworkers. 

If you have a woodworking question send it in and it may get answered on the podcast!

If you are interested in woodworking podcasts check them out on the Woodshop 101 YouTube channel or on iTunes and be sure to subscribe! They have done a really great job of staying on track and on schedule with weekly episodes. 

You can use the Contact page to email me a question or post as a comment on this page. 

I look forward to sharing the mic with Jeremy and Drew and I will be sure to let you all know when the episode is released. 

Your friend in the shop, 

Todd A. Clippinger

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