Guess Who's In The Latest Issue of WOOD Magazine:)

An Article on Design & Prototypes

The current issue of WOOD Magazine (May 2014, Issue 225) has a good article on designing projects and building prototypes. The article contains 6 points on the process of taking a project through the design and prototyping, to a finished project. 

"How Do You Do It In Your Shop Todd?"

The staff at WOOD Magazine asked me to contribute information on how I design and use prototypes. For the article they ended up using a picture of me building a full-scale cardboard fireplace for a client, and a key quote for the side-bar titled "5 Must-Know Design Principles. 

I give kudos to the staff at WOOD Magazine, the article is practical and accurate in depicting the design and prototyping process. It lays out the steps that I use as a professional in designing and building a project for clients. So Kudos to the staff at WOOD Magazine for a great article that shares how it is really done. 

WOOD Magazine May 2014, Issue 225 Article on Designing & Prototypes

I Share in Great Company!

I was pretty excited to see that I share in great company with this issue. Friend and fellow woodworking blogger, Matt Vanderlist from Matt's Basement Workshop, has written an article for this same issue's "Unvarnished: Straight talk from the WOOD-wide Web." Matt shares some gold nuggets for the growing woodworker.

In fact, what Matt shares are exactly the lessons that I learned in my own journey as a woodworker and craftsman. I believe that what he shares is a valuable read for every woodworker and you should check it out. 

Also be sure to visit Matt's website: Matt's Basement Workshop. He is a prolific woodworking blogger and I am sure you will enjoy what he shares with the woodworking community. 

Matt Vanderlist writes a great article for "Unvarnished."

Be sure to check out the latest issue of WOOD Magazine, it is slated to stay on the store shelves until May 6, 2014.  As always, they have some great articles by some great guys;)

Your friend in the shop-

Todd A. Clippinger

Share the Love - Share the Knowledge



Day 2 Of A New Beginning

The Spoken Wood

Matt Vanderlist, the original woodworking podcaster, has started a new series of readings on the topic of woodworking called the Spoken Wood.They are intended to be an audio-only format so followers may download them and listen on their way to work. This is a much safer alternative to watching his video podcast on your iPod while driving.

The Spoken Wood will be rich in nutrition for the woodworker. The readings will be covering various topics, tips, and ruminations of woodworking. 

I am fortunate to be included in the line-up of well known and talented woodworkers and my entry has just been posted at Matt's Basement workshop. You can hear it at the following link:

Be sure to subscribe to The Spoken Wood so you don't miss any of the episodes.

Leaving the Nest

I am a bit surprised at the emotional factor in starting this new blog. LumberJocks has been my home for blogging.The feeling is a bit like leaving home after graduation. The possibilities are endless and the weight of the responsibility is palpable. The readers are now depending on me to insure the website and blog are properly maintained, user friendly, and reliable. 

There is also the loyalty factor. Martin has done such a tremendous amount of work to create the premier site for a woodworking community to gather, share, and ask questions. I am ever thankful for the hard work that Martin has invested in LumberJocks.

My heart strings are strongly tied to the LumberJock community, but fear not, I will not abandon my woodworking family.

I have long resisted doing my own active site with a blog because I did my research and understood how much work would be involved. My current site, Todd A. Clippinger~American Craftsman, is not really intended for the community of woodworkers although everyone is welcome to visit. It's primary function is to act as an online gallery for my clients and many of them are for remodel projects, not the more glamorous fine woodworking.

I have some photos in the site that show the process of project construction, but clients only want an overview. In my zeal to share the projects I did not want overwhelm potential clients with the details that would be nothing more than uninteresting minutia to them.

However, I have taken notice that the woodworking community cannot get enough of this information. The typical woodworker will ravenously consume these details to feed their hunger for knowledge. "The American Craftsman Workshop" will allow me to cater this information to the knowledge-hungry woodworking masses.

Be Patient - It's In the Works

I am currently operating on the blog platform only, but soon I will be adding the website format that includes the blog.

I am just learning how to use the tools, so you will see the structure of the site changing and being built before your very eyes! This is a big piece of history in the making for me.

If you have any suggestions please feel free to comment at the bottom of the page or email me.

Your Friend in The Shop - Todd A. Clippinger

Share the Love~Share the Knowledge