The Work of Andy Parent

In my last post, I shared a bit about how other artists influence my work and I introduced the readers to my friend, Andy Parent, as a good example. 

After that post, I received some emails asking to see a finished photo of the King's Chair. So I asked Andy and he finally sent me some images of the finished project. 

Thanks to Andy for sending me the images, I can now share with you some more of his creative works.

Actually, Andy made 2 King's Chairs to go at the end of the pool table. In this image, you can also see the chandeliers that Andy made and the lights on the wall between the chairs. 

Andy also did some fireplace chairs. In this image you can also see several of his other pieces such as the fireplace mantle, bar stools, sconce light, and metal framing for the panes in the cabinetry seen in the background. 

The fireplace chairs have an interesting feature designed into them, the backs fold down to create larger sitting areas when the clients have parties. 

So what I can say is this; to help stimulate your creative thought process, surround yourself with creative people, even if they don't work in the same medium as yourself.

All images in this post are the property of Andy Parent of Iron Ox Inc. and used with his permission. To see more of Andy's work visit

Until next time - Be safe in your own shop!

Your friend in the shop,

Todd A. Clippinger

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Cutting Metal In A Woodshop

As woodworkers we also need to cut metal once in a while. Also, having the ability to cut metal will allow us to create custom handles as I have on past projects. 

The question is how do we get a clean cut? Hacksaw? Reciprocating saw?

Nope - portaband is the answer.

The portaband is a powerful, smooth cutting portable bandsaw and a tool that I recommend for any custom woodworking shop. 

Hope you enjoy!

Your friend in the shop-

Todd A. Clippinger

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