Super Dust Deputy: Initial Review

I recently converted my single stage dust collector into a 2-stage system using the Super Dust Deputy by Oneida. 

In this video I share my initial impressions and performance of the system.

I do not cover all the modifications although you see the overall setup and I give a basic price breakdown of the cost. I will cover the specifics of my conversion in the future. 

If you have been thinking of getting a Super Dust Deputy to convert your single stage DC into a 2-stage system, but are on a budget, you might find this helpful. 

Your friend in the shop -  

Todd A. Clippinger

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Choose A Vac For The Dust Deputy

In my last video I did a review of the Dust Deputy and showed how effective it is. ​This prompted several people to ask me about what size shop vacuum is necessary to work with the Dust Deputy. So in this video, I decided to explore that question and share the results with you.

​​Even if you are not planning on using a Dust Deputy, you might find the information helpful in your decision to buy a shop vacuum.

If you have not seen how effective it is, check out my previous video where I review the Dust Deputy.​

I do not usually save bloopers or even load them in the computer. Normally I delete them in the camera to save memory and reduce the files for editing. But I decided to save one for you at the end of the video:)

​I hope you enjoy the video and find it helpful.

​Your friend in the shop-

Todd A. Clippinger

Share the Love-Share the Knowledge

Review of Oneida Dust Deputy

​I bought my Dust Deputy 3 years ago and have been using it regularly since then. Many of you have probably looked at the Dust Deputy and considered purchasing the plastic cyclone with some hesitation, unsure of how it really performs. 

In this video I give some good context as to how I use it, with what tools, and how I have it set up. I also open up the Dust Deputy bucket to show how much dust is inside after 3 months of use, and then I open the shop vacuum to see how much dust made it past the cyclone. I think you will be amazed. ​

So check out my raw thoughts and review of the Dust Deputy by Oneida. ​

Your friend in the shop-​

Todd A. Clippinger

Share the Love-Share the Knowledge